At Gindie State School we value homework and issue homework that is:
aligned to what is being taught and learnt in the classroom
adjusted to suit individual students’ abilities so that they are able to complete their work independent of adult supervision
marked and acknowledged by the class teacher
balanced with often busy home lives and the need to continue learning outside the school, particularly of core skills such as reading, number facts and spelling.
Gindie State School's Homework policy (PDF, 205 KB) aligns with the current Department of Education Homework Policy which articulates the maximum amount of homework Queensland State School students should be expected to do:
Years P to 3 could be up to but generally not more than one hour per week.
Years 4 and 5 could be up to but generally not more than two to three hours per week.
Year 6 could be up to but generally not more than three to four hours per week.
Students need to practise reading for fluency, expression, understanding of vocabulary and comprehension. Prep to Year 3 students are required to read for 15-20 minutes each night as part of their homework. Students in Years 4 to 6 are required to read for 20 minutes each night. Students are issued with new readers each week during their library sessions.