On the 14 of November 1896, a public meeting was held at Gindie to promote the establishment of a provisional school. By 1 of July 1897, the new building was completed by day labour. An inspection by Department of Primary Industry officials recommended that the exposed pine should be painted and the roof should be lined with wood, hessian or some woven material.
In November 1897, Miss Mary E. Hamilton enrolled twenty-five students at school No. 709 and began instruction to students who had not been to school for almost two years. The eldest student was fourteen, while the youngest was five years of age. Apart from the daily instruction in the 'Three R's', from the earliest times the school was used for church services. Somewhere between 1905 and 1913, Gindie changed from a provisional school to a state school. By 1908, the school was very much a part of the community.
The students' transport to school was predominantly by foot or horseback. The horses, which often carried more than one child at a time, became as dear to the children as their friends. Some children rode bicycles. Traveling distances from two to three miles, young children who had to walk, often missed a day's school as they tired from the long daily journeys - mostly across loose black soil or deep hard ruts.

In 1924 student numbers declined. Nevertheless, in 1930, another veranda was added to the eastern side of the school. Again local labour was used. In 1932, due to many poor agricultural results, the state farm closed down. By 1935, the play area of the school must have been somewhat crowded. The original one acre site had never been increased. So, by 11 May 1935, The Works Department recommended a new building be erected.
Towards the end of 1938, Gindie had a new school building. The government gave half of the proceeds from the old building to the school committee because of the school's history of local input of labour and materials. The first school was duly sold and removed. With the help of students, the stumps and the brittle old fibrolite used on the eastern veranda walls were burnt on site. Much to the delight of the students, they were able to watch as the old 'fibro' exploded in the fire.
On the 23 September 1965, school commenced in the demountable unit on a new six acre site. After the dark, cramped and primitive conditions, especially of the downstairs classroom at the second school, it seemed that the community were happy with their spacious and airy demountable building. They had been exceedingly patient, while waiting for construction of the new school. The Minister for Education decided that a new building could be built in the 1969-1970 financial year.
On 22 May 1970, the Acting Under Secretary of the Department of Works advised the Director-General of Education that the erection of the new school at Gindie had been completed. The current school was officially opened on 19 September, 1970.
In November 2022, our school community proudly celebrated 125 years of education and we continue to look towards the future as we advance together.