We would like to extend an invitation to all parents new and existing, to become registered members of our schools Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C). Input from all parents is encouraged and most welcome, as new ideas are required for an association like ours to continue to grow more successful.
The school's main aim is to provide all children with the opportunity to develop and reach their full potential, not only on an educational level but also on a personal level as well. The P&C Association strives to support the school's vision and mission statement in order to provide all children with the best educational opportunities and facilities possible.
Meeting dates and times are advertised in our school newsletter and on our parent notice board.
The Annual General Meeting is held in March and office bearers for the year are elected. Your support for this essential body is urged as your help ensures its successful operation.

Picnic lunch
Due to the small nature of Gindie State School, we do not have an operational tuckshop, our parents volunteer to be part of a monthly roster to supply and cook a lunch for the students. Each month, two parents prepare a main meal and dessert for the students to purchase, for example: hamburgers, followed by apple crumble with custard. The students look forward to these days with much excitement. Additionally our students gain real world understanding when counting out money and working out change when purchasing their picnic lunch.